Ahern support for de Valera's views on EU

The Taoiseach strongly supported the recent speech by the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands on European …

The Taoiseach strongly supported the recent speech by the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands on European integration.

Mr Ahern said that Ms de Valera's views "were a welcome contribution to the ongoing debate" throughout the EU. He was asked by the Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, if Ms de Valera's "verbal frustration" had anything to do with the fact that Ireland was in breach of EU directives relating to habitats for wildlife, water quality and the disposal of toxic wastes.

Mr Ahern said Ms de Valera's views should not be taken as criticism. "They were pointing out that there is a European debate on in every country . . . Enlargement, she said, was a positive thing which was strongly welcomed in this country, but integration is something that is also happening."

He added that the Minister had also cited some examples, in subsequent interviews, where issues created difficulties.


"People have to compromise on these and that is why subsidiary is there in some respects, and, in other respects, it is a matter of integrating one's policies and sharing one's sovereignty, which is what happens."